We Are Brood.

Wig Charter for Alopecia UK

Not everybody with alopecia chooses to wear a wig, but for those that do, a wig can help them manage the profound and complex medical, social and psychological consequences of living with alopecia, giving them the confidence to engage in society.

Client: ALOPECIA UK | What we did: ACTIVATION

The brief

Key findings in a recent survey suggest that wig provision within the NHS is extremely variable, which leads to inequitable access for hair loss sufferers. It could be described as a postcode lottery. This is unfair for people with alopecia, and difficult for healthcare professionals who want to offer the best level of care they can.

Alopecia UK asked us to help design a Charter for best practice of wig provision in the NHS.

The aim of this Charter is to support fair access to wigs for people with dermatological hair loss (alopecia and other hair loss conditions, not hair loss due to chemotherapy).

Thanks again for all your help, it’s reads well, looks fantastic and it will really help the alopecia community.

Lynn Wilks, Alopecia UK Trustee

The outcome

The charter will go a long way to help set the standard of wig provision in the NHS and improve to the quality of life of people with alopecia. Whilst it cannot be mandated that all NHS organisations adopt the Charter, Alopecia UK and the alopecia community can raise their voices to reflect why access to the right quantity and quality of wigs is so important.

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